Lego Minifigures Series 2 (8684)

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Complete list of series 2.
Released Date: September 2010

1. Disco Dude


“Hey, everybody! Let’s Disco!”

The Disco Dude has traveled back in time to relive the days of disco dancing, bell-bottom pants and the very first LEGO Space sets. He can’t help but love it! Whenever he hears a disco beat and sees the big disco ball lights start flashing, he gets caught up in the music and just can’t stop dancing.

And what’s more, it’s his love of disco is contagious! Wherever the Disco Dude starts dancing, everybody around him can’t help but join in on the fun. Pretty soon, it’s all one big ‘70s disco dance party!

2. Explorer

“By Jove, I do believe I’ve found something new!”

The Explorer travels all over the world in search of new places, animals and plants to discover and study. The more exotic and difficult something is to find, the better as far as he’s concerned!

Whenever he finds something unusual, he makes sure to draw it and write it down in his explorer’s journal, which he’s secretly hoping to turn into a best-selling book some day. The world is just full of exciting new surprises when you’re an Explorer!

3. Karate Master
“Whatever it is, I can chop it in half!”

The Karate Master is ready to take on any challenge. His martial arts training is the most important thing to him, and even though he’s already a master, he’s always practicing more to make himself even better.

Since he earned his black belt, the Karate Master has devoted his efforts to teaching others to reach their own maximum skill levels – not just at karate, but at everything else that interests them, too. With so many trophies on his shelves, it’s no wonder everyone wants to learn from him!

4. Lifeguard
“Just yell ‘help’ and I’m on my way!”

The Lifeguard is trained in all of the latest life saving techniques and knows how to use each and every piece of rescue equipment at the beach. She sits in her high chair, keeping a careful eye on the ocean so that everyone who puts even a toe in the water is safe.

Helping people is the Lifeguard’s passion, and when she’s not lifeguarding, she’s in medical school studying to be a doctor. She wants to make sure that no one ever gets hurt on her watch. Even the sharks feel safe when she’s around!

5. Maraca Man

“Hear the music of the maracas!”

Can you hear that? It may be hard to hear at first, but keep listening and soon you’ll hear the sound of a pair of bright red maracas rattling out a fun and festive tune. That’s how everybody knows that the Maraca Man is on his way!

When the Maraca Man dances through the street shaking his maracas, everyone around him finds themselves cheering up. Where he comes from is a mystery and where he’ll go next is too, but whenever he’s near, people smile, clap, and tap their feet to the beat!

6. Mime


If you’ve ever been sure that somebody was silently following you and making silly faces, but nobody was there when you turned around, it was probably the Mime. He shows up in public parks, outside restaurants and in market squares, where he performs routines and does impressions of passers-by without ever making a sound.

No one pretends to be trapped in an invisible box or walking against the wind as well as the Mime does. His best pal is the Circus Clown, and the two frequently join forces to get even bigger laughs and applause from their audience!

7. Pharaoh


“That spot looks just right for a pyramid!”

This Pharaoh of ancient Egypt woke up in a museum one day, and he’s been a little confused ever since. He doesn’t know how or why he’s in the modern world, but it’s definitely taking some getting used to! He’s not used to taxi cabs and supermarkets yet, and he can’t figure out where all the sphinxes and crocodiles have gone, but he’s trying to make the best of things in his strange new circumstances.

First off, the place is definitely going to need some pyramids…so with the help of his friends at the museum, the Pharaoh is taking matters into his own hands and using all the bricks he can find to build his own. Now he has a little piece of home to share with everyone!

8. Pop Star


“This one goes out to all my fans!”

The Pop Star is at the top of the charts. Her last three albums went platinum and her videos are in non-stop rotation on all the music channels. She travels the world in limos and private jets and has more fans than she knows what to do with.

No matter how famous she gets, though, the Pop Star is still a normal girl who dances around her bedroom singing to the mirror, likes to hang out with her friends at the movies, and loves a good burger and fries!

9. Ringmaster

“Ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages, you will not believe your eyes!”

The Ringmaster loves being in the spotlight and running the show. He’s in charge of the entire circus, and he always makes sure to keep the tightropes tight, the sawdust fresh, the trapeze rings shiny and all the animals fed and happy.

To the Ringmaster, the best thing in the entire world is the sound of the audience cheering and clapping all around the big-top circus tent. That’s why he always does his very best to put on the most spectacular show possible – and to outdo the performance from the night before!

10. Skier
“I’m going to make it this time!”

The enthusiastic Skier is constantly plunging off cliffs, crashing into trees, and performing accidental loop-the-loops through the air. He can’t help tackling any new downhill challenge that he comes across, even if his attempts don’t always end so well!

What everybody likes about the Skier is that he never, ever gives up. No matter how many times his skiing feats end in wild disaster, he always climbs right back up the mountain, straps on his skis, and tries his luck one more time. After all, the fifteenth time might just be the charm!

11. Spartan Warrior
“For Sparta!”

The Spartan Warrior’s favorite thing in the world to do is fight. He keeps his spear, shield and crested helmet polished and clean at all times, just waiting for the next big battle to start. The problem is that there really isn’t much of a call for ancient Spartan soldiers these days, so he mostly sits around and watches historical documentaries on TV.

Since he doesn’t get to do much fighting, the Spartan Warrior tries all sorts of things to keep himself in fighting shape. He goes jogging every morning, swims at the pool in the afternoon, and even takes dancing classes at the nearby school to make sure he stays fit and trim for the next big battle!

12. Surfer

“G’day, dudes and dudettes!”

Wherever the waves are radical and the surf is bodacious, that’s where you’ll find the Surfer. He’s the most relaxed guy around, but as soon as it’s time to hop on his surfboard, nothing can keep him from hanging ten from sunrise until sunset!

The Surfer has traveled all over the world and surfed at every beach he can find. No matter where he goes, he’s always sure to find a fun challenge on the rolling, splashing ocean!

13. Traffic Cop


“Mine are the safest streets in town!”

The Traffic Cop patrols the streets, looking for anybody who’s speeding or up to no good on the roads and highways. Don’t try to break the law in his city, because he’s sure to find you and give you a ticket!

The Traffic Cop doesn’t want to seem mean, but he knows how important it is to enforce the rules and keep the city safe. After all, protecting the people who live there is a huge responsibility!

14. Vampire


“I’m supposed to drink WHAT?!”

The Vampire may be a 200-year-old creature of nightmare and legend, but that doesn’t mean that he has to be uncivilized. He likes to read comic books with his pet bat, take long walks by the seaside (after sunset, of course), and throw huge parties in his big stone castle.

He’s not a big fan of the more traditional vampire activities (though he has to admit that the flying is pretty cool), and much prefers a fruit smoothie to the classic beverage of choice. The local villagers might have been a little spooked at first, but now they’re very excited to have a friendly vampire in town!

15. Weightlifter


The Weightlifter has sworn to become the strongest man in the entire world. He runs around the city looking for things to pick up…and he wants to pick up EVERYTHING. As long as an object isn’t nailed to the ground, he’ll scoop it up and try to lift it over his head.

The only thing that the Weightlifter pays attention to is how heavy something is. If it weighs more than the last thing he lifted, then it’s just what he needs, whether it’s a person, an auto, an elephant or a house. No challenge is too big for the Weight Lifter!

16. Witch

“Am I a good witch or a bad witch?”

The Witch is a misunderstood person. She just wants to be good, but with all the magic power she has, there are times when she just can’t help being a little bit bad.

For every bad thing the Witch does, she tries to do something good...but it doesn’t always go exactly like she plans. For example, turning the vegetables growing in her neighbor’s garden into candy sounded like a good idea at the time. All of the children in town were happy about it, but her neighbor seemed really mad for some reason!


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